Abiding in Christ, at the feet of women
‘He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11
Relationship based doula care serving the Twin Cities Metro,
Meet Doula Hannah
I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Hannah of Abide Birth Services, and I’m a certified birth doula providing prenatal, birth and postpartum care as well as lactation education in the Twin Cities Metro. I believe this work is a calling from the Lord to do joyfully unto his name. And I’m thrilled to be here.
My husband and I raise our two young children with lots of prayer, books, outside time, and laughter for our many antics. I’m an RN, future aspiring homeschool mom, and stress-baker (ya know, like stress eater, but think intricate pastries instead). I wanted to be in the birth space when I started nursing school, but briefly quenched that desire while walking a journey of infertility and loss. When God answered our prayers with a son, I was then called again to come alongside parents in this family building stage. I’m passionate about VBAC (still high as a kite from my own HBAC [homebirth after cesarean]), connecting mind, body, and Spirit, and gracefully navigating unpredictable changes so mothers and fathers can feel confident entering the appointed time of birth and parenting.
I believe that being a doula is about helping parents in taking a vulnerable experience and turning it into a bold one, as an act of worship unto the Lord. I’m here to support the physiologic and spiritual mechanisms that transform a woman to a mother. I want to sit at the feet of women, lift them up, hold their hand, serve them and let them know they’re not alone, what they’re feeling is normal, and there is healing, restoration, and redemption in any beginning.
Fathers, you should feel like an integral part of the birth, just like you were an integral part of making baby and sustaining the mother; your voice should be heard, valued and lifted up. Mothers, you are strong and wise and are created, in His image, to birth and take care of your sweet one. And I would consider it an honor to be invited into your spaceh and I